
Afyayangu Co Ltd has mainly three groups of clients represented by PASEDO acronym


All clients searching for curative, preventive, promotional and rehabilitative services using both physical and digital platforms supported by the Company.

Service Institutions

All the public and privately owned facilities that are involved in providing health related solutions locally and internationally. The institutions get their link to the company through different partnerships aimed at fostering collaborations in a specific solution (s). The collaborations may include managerial, infrastructural, equipment or service provision related MoUs.


This stands for all health care workers involved in providing health solutions both hospital and community based. These are our inner industry’s customers of which the company intends build capacity and offer supportive solutions aiming at increasing their efficiency.

For the company to succeed in reaching out all its customers, it has formed PASEDO media Platform (with live chats) aiming at providing digital solutions to the named groups. The platform has three platforms; Patient, service institutions and doctors so as to reach each group with specific strategy.